Monday, October 31, 2011

Fantastic Florence!

Today is October 31st and marks the official halfway point of this "National Voorhees European Adventure."  Only 8 months left!  I can't believe how fast it is going and how much fun we are having.  This past weekend was no exception as we took a road trip to Florence, Italy with our friends Gary, Bev, Emily and Morgan Scott.  Florence is the historical heart of the Renaissance and we had a great time exploring the city.  The weather was warm and the fall color was beautiful. We saw Michelangelo's "David" and learned all about Galileo, Dante, Machiavelli, and the dreaded Medici family.  Our hotel was just outside the city and our room opened up to a courtyard where the kids loved playing "manhunt."  Thankfully, there were very few guests there this weekend so we couldn't disturb anyone.  It was another great weekend with great friends.

Additionally, you might notice in the pictures that we have another victim.  Emalee is our friend from back in Georgia and was willing to come over and help us out until Christmas.  We are so grateful to have her and, as you can see, we are all crazy about her already!

Lastly:  Does Kami have on the same outfit in every picture?  Yes, we forgot her suitcase at the house.  Nice.

We are becoming experts on gelato!

Bev is a girl after my own heart, she lets nothing stop her from getting the perfect picture.

This is the map room in the old palace.  It contains dozens of orginal leather maps that show what they thought the world looked like in the 1500's. 

Arno River

One day she'll like this better than the ice cream.

A break on the bridge

Gary, Jack and Morgan walking through the courtyard of the "Duomo" cathedral of Florence.

Michelangelo's tomb

Our hotel

My Renaissance Man...

I can't believe they let us in this place.
Geof had to pick his fish at dinner.  I was gagging.

Under a Tuscany Moon

Monday, October 17, 2011

Our Favorite Park

The weather has been beautiful lately and yesterday we went to our favorite playplace, the park at Genthood.  I took along my camera, which everyone immediately complained about, but we all still had a good time and were able to get out and enjoy an autumn afternoon in Geneva.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

The Halloween Village

Friday was one of those nights that, in theory, should have been fantastic.  Kami wanted to be "Rapunzel" for the trick or treat event at school and so I decided to dress up as "Mother Gothel," Rapunzel's evil, kidnapping, vain and selfish mother.  I also volunteered to host a door, which meant I had to decorate it and pass out candy all night.  Perfect!  I decorate the door like the tower and come in costume and it will be a big hit. Right?
Not really.  Unfortunatley, I failed to consider that I live in Switzerland and not everyone has seen the movie.  In fact, of the 800 kids present, I think about 5 knew who I was and that the door was decorated as a tower.  Most just thought I was a creepy lady with a bad wig who didn't understand the whole "Halloween" thing as my door was the only one not covered in orange fabric, spiderwebs and bats.  Then to add insult to injury, Kami had her face painted as a red butterfly that day at school and it would not come completely off.  So Rapunzel looked like she was having an allergic reaction all night.  Needless to say, the reality of the evening didn't exactly match my expectations, nor anyone elses for that matter.
On a positive note, Kathryn looked adorable in her fifties costume and Josh loved running around as a ninja.  Jackson just pretended not to know me all night.  I can't say I blame him.
So I have, with great hesitation, attached pictures.  And yes, I'm aware of how bad I look.

Monday, October 10, 2011

It's Good To Be King...and Prince

We just returned from a very special weekend in Germany with our family Jay, Joyce and Jake.  Jake is having a great year at his new high school in Ansbach and has risen to the starting quarterback position on the football team.  We went to see the Homecoming Game where Jay, as the Base Commander (I doubt that is the right title, but it is better than His Majesty, which is what I want to write-just to tease him) got to flip the coin at the start of the game.  At half time Jay and Joyce escorted Jake onto the field as he was elected "Prince" for the Homecoming Court's junior repesentative (of course).  Additionally, we got to meet Jake's adorable girlfriend, Sidney, who was also on the Homecoming Court and is a cheerleader (naturally).  We ended the evening with dinner at "Enzo's," a fantastic Italian restuarant very near Jay and Joyce's house where we were treated like royalty (as you would assume).  All teasing aside, it was a great weekend with some of our favorite people in the world.  It is such a blessing to live so near them that we can share in this amazing experience.  Jake is absolutely shining in his new home and growing up to be a young man of character, humility, and perserverance.  He is a chip off the old block...and even takes after Jay a little too :).
Jay coming in to flip the coin

Can you imagine this crew coming to pick you up for your Homecoming Dance?  What can I say?  WE ARE VOORHEES!  We do nothing halfway.

Autumn in Geneva

Switzerland is full of festivals to celebrate the Fall.  We enjoyed going to the cow festival and seeing all of the cows being herded down the mountain.  The cow who produces the most milk over the year gets the fanciest headress for the parade.  I'm not so sure they think it is such a grand prize!