Wednesday, May 29, 2013

In Other News...

Joshua starting taking piano this year (whether he wants to or not is of no consideration) and he did a GREAT job at his recital!

Kami learned to ride her bike.

And this is what it looked like the night Kathryn decided to become "taken bacon" as she put it (meaning she said "yes" to a boy who asked if she would be his girlfriend).  This was only OK because in middle school, when you are "going out," it simply means you never talk to each other and run the other direction as fast as you can if they come towards you in the hall.

Not available for viewing:  the picture of the night we decided to go back to being "Single Pringle."  

The Graduates

We celebrated two graduations this past month.  Baby Kami got her Pre-K diploma and Jackson for middle school.  It included lots a parties and fun times with friends.  So proud of all our kiddos and how hard they have worked in school this year!

Grandma Carol got to see Kami graduate.

Jackson had a very official ceremony with a real certificate and real tears from his mom.  It seems like last year I was at his Pre-K graduation, taking his toothless picture in a tiny white cap and gown.

And now we have this handsome young man...

and the gray hair to prove how much fun it has been!

Jack with his long time friend Bailey.

Time flies.

A Mother's Day Brunch

Geof, Jack, Kate, Josh and Kami spoiled two moms this year on Mother's Day.  They hosted a fantastic champagne brunch on the porch for Grandma Carol and me and we had a sweet time of sharing some of our favorite things about our moms.

The Big 4-0 and the Big 1-0 in the Big Apple!

Start Spreading the News...

We're leaving today

We've got to be a part of it, New York, New York!

I was so excited to celebrate my and Joshua's birthday in the city that never sleeps!  We had a great 4 days and explored Time Square, the Empire State Building, Central Park and had several sweet reunions.  It was a great birthday for both of us.  And just for the record- Josh turned 8 in Paris, 9 in Geneva and 10 in New York.  What's next?  11 in good ole Flowery Branch, Georgia!!

Waiting in line for our first New York cab.  Jackson and I quoted Seinfield's "taxi" comedy bit the whole time.  It was awesome. Kami didn't get it, but laughed hysterically anyway.

Kate in Time Square, making the ridiculous face she always makes in pictures these days. 
New York pizza is delicious.

Jack at the Natural History Museum.  He and the dinosaur were in the same mood.

Exploring Central Park

As close as we got to the Statue of was too cold to go out on that boat!

Soon to be completed Freedom Tower

Dinner at the Hard Rock.  Probably my favorite picture.

Walking through the city at night is a show in itself.

It was such a treat to get to visit with Kami's teacher and my friend from Geneva, Eliza and her family.  They were by chance on Spring Break and visiting the city also.  We planned a fun afternoon at the Central Park Zoo.  Her boys don't speak much english and my kids' french is rusty-but they still had a great time and it was so good to visit with her.  She is as sweet and beautiful as ever and I loved getting to hear people talk in French again.

"You wanna fight??"

Rockefeller Plaza and the Lego Store

Aunt Karen also made a special trip into the city and we all went up in the Empire State Building together.

We had lunch with some very amiable Vikings, who, by the way, were asked to leave their very real swords and battle axes at the door.

The folks at Cake Boss did a great job on mine and Joshua's birthday cake.

The girls and I saw "The Lion King" and the boys went to see "The Amazing Spiderman."  We all loved our broadway shows.

How many Voorhees can fit in a taxi?  Exactly 6.

Joshua's sign for the TODAY show.

Unfortunately we never made it there, 6 pieces of pizza and "cake boss" didn't sit too well and Josh threw most of it up all over the hotel room the night before.  He said he felt amazing after he got sick, but we still didn't go because I did not feel so amazing after digging it out of the carpet for two hours.  But hey-you're not having fun until someone is throwing up!  It was still tons of fun and last big city we wanted to take the kids to see.  And now we are done being tourist.  FOR-EV-ER.