Saturday, June 21, 2014

" I Don't Swim Like A Fish...

...THEY SWIM LIKE ME!," says the Kamryn, aka, the 6 and Under aquatic phenomenon.

OK, that might be a bit of an exaggeration, but the truth is she has swam in 7 events so far this summer and has taken home the blue ribbon in 6.  It's been an interesting little adventure, this whole swim team.  I drag her out of bed every morning, she cries and complains the whole way there, then she sees all of the other 6, 8 and 10 year old swimmers crying and arguing with their parents about getting in the water and she jumps right in and starts swimming just to prove she is "not a baby" like the rest of them.  Then, you tell her it's a race and she will get a ribbon if she wins, and she turns into the most competitive, determined little swimmer we've ever seen.  The one time she didn't come in first, she placed third in the breast stroke, but they had moved her up to swim with the 8 and Unders and she was totally aggravated and kept saying that one didn't count because it wasn't fair. 

So what's next the step for the future Olympic gold medalist?  I tried to telling her she could keep practicing and maybe one day she could be the best in the whole state.  She very matter-of-factly replied, "Mom, every parent says that to their kids.  And let's be honest, we can't all be the best." 
"OK, you little miniature teenager, you're right, you might not be the best in the state.  But for now, how about you just keep going out there and doing your best and having fun?"
"OK, Mom."
"Thanks Kam."

Swimmers take your mark, get set,


The Backstroke

She's been working on getting her kick up on top of the water.  With that foot up in the air, she might be overcompensating a bit :).

Kami with her youth coach, Makayla, who was particularly proud of her student this morning. 

Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming….

Summer Lacrosse

What's more fun than playing Lacrosse in the spring? Playing it all summer long.  And this time we get to watch Jackson!  He decided to give the sport a try after watching Joshua and Kathyrn have such a great time.  He's learning and getting better everyday and is playing against some pretty tough opponents!  We are looking forward to watching him and his team play in several tournaments over the next month. Great job #21!!

Jackson and his friend Devon playing tight defense.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Going to the Chapel

Our sweet Sarah Beth, one of our nannies from Switzerland, is getting married! She and Walker are set to tie the knot at the end of the month.  We helped them celebrate with their friends and family at a couple's shower at our house, complete with lots of great food and plenty of unsolicited wedding advice!  We had so much with all of them and they walked away with enough gift cards to buy something really fun at Best Buy! Blessings Sarah and Walker, we love you!

Celebrating The End...

…or the begininng? Another school year has come to a close and summer has officially started in Georgia! We ignore the official calendar down here and kick-off our "dog days" with Memorial Weeekend.  This year the holiday weekend was as filled (as was pool) was with happy kids, parades, and a few frog hunts.  
Summer, we love you. Please stay for a while. Like maybe until next year. We really do our best work when you are here.

Joshua leaving the Academy for the last time.  Next Stop: Middle School.

Last Day Class Parties

Kamryn with the precious Mrs. Laws, her Kindergarten teacher

Joshua's end of year pool party was Friday night...

…and Kathryn's was Saturday.

Shhh…I'm hunting ribbets.

Memorial Day Parade with Jess.