Monday, October 8, 2012

We interrupt this regularly scheduled family to bring you...

Well, we survived-just barely.  I'm going to stick to the age-old rule of if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all-so this will be a short post.  Joshua played 9 year old football (#14) and Kathryn cheered for the 6th grade team.  They both had a lot of fun and met some great new friends.  Kate has managed to do something to her foot, but we aren't sure how bad it is yet.  This landed her in a pretty serious splint and on the "injured" list for her big cheer competition this past weekend.  Her squad had a great time at the all-day event, especially when it came time to apply performance-grade make-up (as you can tell).
Joshua's team wore pink socks on Saturday in recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness month.  With 2 minutes left of this last game of the season, Jackson looked at me and asked, "So mom, are you going to let me play next year?"  I restrained myself, smiled, and asked him if he could please just let me enjoy this moment.
Basketball season starts next week.  Thank you Lord that I have four happy, healthy children who have both the ability and opportunity to play sports.  See-that was nice.:)